How can I make a gift of stock or other securities (such as bonds or mutual funds) to the ACLU?
You can make a tax-deductible gift of stock or other securities to the ACLU Foundation and a non-tax-deductible gift to the ACLU.
Electronic Stock Transfer Instructions for ACLU Foundation:
Account Name: America Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Inc.
Tax ID #: 13-6213516
DTC #: 0226
Account #: AB2-027707
Brokerage: State Street Global Markets, Boston, MA
Contact at State Street: Fred Menis:
Electronic Stock Transfer Instructions for ACLU:
Account Name: American Civil Liberties Union, Inc.
DTC #: 0226
Account #: AB2-037225
Brokerage: State Street Global Markets, Boston, MA
Contact at State Street: Fred Menis:
Please note that when you wire a stock gift, the transfer arrives in the ACLU account without your name, address, or ACLU member ID. That is why we ask you to please notify us via email about what kind of stock and how many shares you are donating. This enables us to allocate your gift correctly and send you a thank you letter.
When you know the details of your gift of stock, please send an email to Jeffrey Outler, Associate Director of Donor Relations, at